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Modern Confectionary; Containing Receipts for Drying and Candying, Confits, Cakes, Preserves, Liqueurs, Ices, Jellies, Creams, Sponges, Pastes, Potted Meats, Pickles, Wines, Etc. Etc. Etc. By the Author of Modern Cookery - Anon

1833 - Printed by and for Henry Mozley and Sons, Derby - Second Edition
A finely bound rare early nineteenth century compilation of recipes including deserts, cakes, biscuits, pickles, relish, wines. Most likely compiled from numerous sources by Eliza Acton, who has been described as the first modern cookery writer, preceding Mrs Beeton by several years. Delia Smith has called her ‘the best writer of recipes in the English language’.

Chapters are:
Drying and Candying; Lozenges and Confits, Cakes, Biscuits, etc.; Puddings; Preserves; Sirups, Liqueurs, and Waters; Ices; Jellies; Creams, Custards, etc.; Sponges; Patties, Pastes, etc.; Potted Meats; Pickles, Catsups, etc.; Observations on British Wine. 
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Price HK$ 3,000

Russian Ballet. Camera Studies by Gordon Anthony. With an Introduction by Arnold Haskell - Gordon Anthony

1939 - Geoffrey Bles, London - First Edition
Illustrated with 96 tipped-in black and white photographs of Russian ballet stars, including a frontispiece.

A series of photographic studies of the stars of both Russian ballet companies at the time, including a portrait of the choreographer Michael Fokine, young Serge Lifar, Irina Baronova, Anton Dolin, Alexandra Danilova, Frederick Franklin, Tamara Grigorieva, David Lichine, Alicia Markova, Marc Platoff, Leonide Massine, Mia Slavenska and others.

Gordon Anthony was born James Gordon Dawson Stannus in Wicklow, Ireland on 23 December 1902. He started working in photography in 1926, making images of the students at his sister's ballet school in London. In 1933 he became the portrait photographer to the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford. His photographs helped to make the Royal Ballet known across the world in the 1930s. In 1948, he published the first ever book of colour photography in Great Britain, Studies of Dancers.

Anthony's photographs are held in major collections including the Victoria and Albert Museum and the National Portrait Gallery.
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Price HK$ 8,000

Complete Novels - Pride and Prejudice; Sense and Sensibility; Mansfield Park; Emma; Northanger Abbey and Persuasion - Jane Austen, Austin Dobson (editor), Charles E. Brock, Hugh Thomson, (illustrator)

1912-1929 - Macmillan and Co., London
‘I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of anything than of a book! When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.'

An elegantly bound little five volume set, comprising all of Austen's novels. Beautifully illustrated throughout by Hugh Thomson and Charles Brock. Each volume with an introduction by Austin Dobson. Presented in a matching bespoke fleece-lined scarlet cloth-covered slipcase with ribbon pull.

Affectation of candour is common enough—one meets with it everywhere. But to be candid without ostentation or design—to take the good of everybody's character and make it still better, and say nothing of the bad—belongs to you alone.’ 
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Price HK$ 16,000

The Yellow Book - Aubrey Beardsley

April 1894-April 1897 - Elkin Mathews &, London
A complete, clean and better than normally encountered thirteen volume set of this groundbreaking art nouveau publication, in the publisher’s bright yellow illustrated covers with designs by Aubrey Beardsley. Together with ‘A Selection’ published in 1950 and bound in yellow cloth to match the earlier set. Fourteen volumes in total.

From its initial visually arresting issue, for which Aubrey Beardsley was art editor and for which Max Beerbohm wrote an essay, ‘
A Defence of Cosmetics’, ‘The Yellow Book’ attained immediate notoriety.

Published by John Lane and edited by Henry Harland, ‘
The Yellow Book’ attracted many outstanding writers and artists of the era, such as Arnold Bennett, Charlotte Mew, Henry James, Edmund Gosse, Richard Le Gallienne, and Walter Sickert.

Although dominated by the illustrations of Aubrey Beardsley, and his decadent fin de siècle aura, many other distinguished artists contributed to the quarterly, notably Frederic Leighton, Will Rothenstein, Walter Sickert and Philip Wilson Steer; contributors to the text included Max Beerbohm, John Buchan, Baron Corvo, Edmund Gosse, Kenneth Grahame, Henry James, E. Nesbit and W. B. Yeats.
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Price HK$ 10,000

The Works of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bronte - Anne, Charlotte & Emily Bront

1893 - J.M. Dent and Company, London
An elegantly bound twelve volume set of the Brontë sisters works, each volume with a decorated title page and frontispiece, and two further black and white illustrated plates by Greig and Tilney (three to volume I).

Presented in a matching navy fleece-lined slipcase with ribbon-pull.
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Price HK$ 25,000

The Decisive Moment - Henri Cartier-Bresson

1952 - Simon and Schuster in collaboration with É, New York - First Edition in English
One of the most important photography books of the 20th century, containing 126 full or double page heliogravures, considered ‘unique in providing an international portrait or impression of humanity covering the two decades prior to its publication’. Divided into two chronological and geographical sections: the first spans the years 1932 to 1947 and is made up of photographs taken in the west; the second spans 1947 to 1952 and was shot mostly in the east.

Prefaced by Cartier-Bresson’s 4,500-word philosophical essay, whose keynote ‘
There is nothing in this world that does not have a decisive moment.’ was taken from the 17th century Cardinal de Reitz.

‘The idea of the '
decisive moment' is one of the most enduring in photographic literature, and no one has articulated it better than its coiner, in his preface to this book: 'To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as of a precise organization of forms which give that event its proper expression.’’ - David Levi Strauss.

An elusively fine copy, the book without the commonly found chips to spine, in a superior example of the delicate dust jacket, both showing the striking illustration provided by Cartier-Bresson’s friend Henri Matisse. The original 12 leaf ‘
Captions’ pamphlet laid in, as published. 
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Price HK$ 19,000

1934 - Kelly &, Shanghai - First Edition
Describing the visit of Mr.Pim to Peking, where he meets with his colleague Mr Wu, and together they tour the wonderful city that is 1930’s Peking. As a gift to someone who is moving to China or has recently visited this is hard to beat. Things may have changed slightly though.

A clean, bright and thus scarce first edition of this charming large format book (38x27cm) beautifully illustrated throughout by Friedrich Schiff with a mixture of black and white or colour sketches, combined with photographs taken by Catleen on her Roliflex camera, with colour applied and a full page hand sketched colour map.
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Price HK$ 10,000

Sleeping Murder. Miss Marple s Last Case - Agatha Christie

1976 - Collins Crime Club, London - First Edition
An exquisitely bound first edition of Miss Marple’s last case.

“Soon after Gwenda moved into her new home, odd things started to happen. Despite her best efforts to modernise the house, she only succeeded in dredging up the past. Worse, she felt an irrational sense of terror every time she climbed the stairs. In fear, Gwenda turns to Miss Marple to exorcise her ghosts. Between them, can they solve a crime committed many years before?”
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Price HK$ 4,000

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