You searched for: Thomas Moss

A Treatise of Gauging: Or, the Modern Practical Gauger. Illustrated with necessary Examples - Thomas Moss

1779 - Printed for G. Robinson, London - The Third Edition, Greatly Enlarged and Improved by the Author
Illustrated with large folding plate to the rear, and numerous in-text diagrams and tables. All editions of this work are scarce.

The complexities of measuring the amount of a liquid when in a cask led to many advancements in practical mathematics including the use of the slide-rule.

Obviously without accurate measurements an excise officer would have found life rather difficult having to rely on the distilleries creative measurements...

A "gauger" was an officer whose business it was to ascertain the contents of casks, mainly to assist in the prevention of illicit shipments of alcohol. In so doing it was necessary to apply and in some cases adapt mathematical formulae which were considered extremely advanced at the time.

Thomas Moss, an exciseman and gauger, was also a well known mathematician, publishing the ‘
Mathematical Magazine’ together with George Witchell (1738-85), and being referenced for his clear and concise early descriptions of a number of geometrical properties. 
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Price HK$ 4,000