You searched for: Rev. Cooper Willyams

A Voyage Up the Mediterranean in His Majesty's Ship the Swiftsure, One of the Squadron Under the Command of Rear Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson - Rev. Cooper Willyams

1802 - Printed by T. Bensley for J. White, London - First Edition
A full margined copy, scarce in the original paper boards. With engraved dedication page and coat of arms of Vice Admiral Earl of St. Vincent, commander of the British Mediterranean Fleet, folding aquatint chart of the Mediterranean, and forty-one beautiful aquatint plates after drawings by Willyams.

Willyams, both Chaplain and artist, with Nelson’s fleet, provides what is considered one of the most authentic accounts of the Battle of the Nile (1798) and the naval campaign that had raged across the Mediterranean during the previous three months, as a large French convoy sailed from Toulon to Alexandria carrying an expeditionary force under General Napoleon Bonaparte. A pivotal battle that destroyed the best of the French navy, which was weakened for the rest of the Napoleonic Wars.

Includes visits to Sicily, Naples, Leghorn, Florence, Bologna, Padua and Venice, in 1798-99.
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Price HK$ 13,000